Adsl Broadband

Internet Access For Your Business

ADSL Broadband provides cost effective entry level internet access for online services.

Liberty-i ADSL broadband internet connections are delivered over copper circuits and provide cost effective connections for businesses who have a low reliance on the internet.

We offer unlimited usage to enable easy budgeting and eliminate unexpected over usage costs. An ideal entry level product ADSL broadband offers speeds of up to 24Mpbs download and 2Mbps upload.

ADSL is a contended service which means the service is shared with other users in your business and the local area, causing slower connections at busy times. For this reason ADSL broadband is not recommended for VoIP and Streaming services, as these can be seriously affected resulting in poor speech quality and buffering.

Best performance from an ADSL service is obtained by those nearest to the exchange.

Businesses looking for faster speeds for VoIP, streaming and downloading larger files should consider FTTC or FTTP and those dependant on the internet should consider our ethernet products Leased Lines, EFM, and EoFTTC that come with dedicated bandwidth, Service Level Agreements and guaranteed fix times.

Liberty-i are committed to providing the best connectivity and will discuss the needs of your business and the services available in your area and make recommendations to provide you with cost effective, future proof connections.

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